I am Lisa Buford, and I’m committed to help you thrive, not just survive. You can learn to move toward what you want rather than away from what you don’t want. When people ask what I do, often I reply that I am in the empowering business, and I sell hope. One analogy I use to explain working with people is that I am an energy tracker, creating space for you to feel safe, meeting you where you are, and validating whatever shows up. We trust the wisdom of your body and follow your body’s energy. I see myself in some ways as a computer operator. Together we discover the “program(s)” currently held in your body and explore ways of installing new software to support your healing. The repetition of specific movements combined with thoughts are a direct route to build health and resilience. My goal is to empower and help others to improve the quality of their lives.
I live in Montana, where I maintain a private practice working with children, teens, adults, families, and professionals. I travel throughout the country, and to England, to teach classes and workshops. I have a diverse background, with more than 2,000 hours of formal training various modalities.
Eden Energy Medicine
I am an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner and part of the original faculty for the two-year certification program. I have studied extensively with Donna Eden, an internationally renowned healer, teacher, and author of Energy Medicine and other books. I teach in all levels of the Eden Energy Medicine program. I have been in private practice in Eden Energy Medicine for more than 20 years. For more information, go to www.innersource.net
Brain Gym
Since 1997 I have been licensed by the Educational Kinesiology Foundation (Edu-K) as a Brain Gym® instructor and consultant. I have studied with Dr. Paul Dennison, founder of Brain Gym, and with Dr. Carla Hannaford, author of Smart Moves and Awakening the Child Heart. For more information, visit www.braingym.org
Emotional Freedom Techniques
I am certified as an Advanced EFT practitioner. I was first introduced to EFT in 1999, and I have studied with Gary Craig, founder of EFT and David Feinstein, co-authors of The Promise of Energy Psychology. I have also studied with Dr. David Smith, Medical QiGong Grand Master and David Feinstein, one of the authors of The Promise of Energy Psychology. For more information, visit www.innersource.net/ep