
"Where the Magic Comes In": Benjamin Buford Introducing Lisa Buford, 2018 (2 min)

As a teacher of classes and workshops, a practitioner, and a mentor, Lisa has impacted the lives of thousands of students and clients




Lisa Buford and I met in June of 2017, when I attended my Foundations 1 Class. Lisa was an excellent teacher. She took the time to make sure that everyone completely understood the work. I was very happy that I made the decision and commitment to take the class. She has inspired me to keep setting my intentions everyday while doing the EEM routine and telling myself that it is possible to have optimum health, youthful vitality, flexibility and appearances for a long time. I've also seen her as a practitioner, and she is a wise sage! Great assessment and observer of my life based upon her knowledge & practice of energy. A GREAT TEACHER INSPIRES! Lisa Buford has definitely INSPIRED me.


"Lisa: Thank you for opening me up safely to know all possibilities are at my fingertips to express to all audiences and all sprinkled with love...so much love, so much giving, so much wisdom, so much reality in a safe place. Your gifts to others are also in your gifts to yourself. Validate and celebrate the embracing, encompassing weekend we all got to enjoy by living through it through your power and beauty coming through in every word, and we get to continue to savor it as a warm blanket around our heart."

Patricia Kascia, MD

"I completed year one with Lisa Buford . Not only is she an excellent teacher but she is one the kindest most personable people you could ever meet. She makes time to be present to her students and takes time to answer questions and help out in any way she can."

Donna Eden

Eden Energy Medicine

"Lisa Buford has an effortless charisma as a teacher; she has a way of teaching that just flows and makes it easy to take in the information and techniques she is sharing. And she has such an innate caring for her clients that supports her advanced skills and many years of experience working with the energies of the body. She is a precious soul."


“When I think about Lisa Buford these words/phrases come to mind immediately: Passionate – Present - Authentic - Generous - Courageous - Soulful - the ‘Real Deal’ - Puzzle Solver (she enjoys the challenge of figuring things out). Lisa Buford is a role model for inspiration, human connectivity, how to stand in one's truth, and this is all reflected in her teaching style as well. She is passionate about the work that she teaches and delivers it to her students until the lessons are fully comprehended. My deepest respect and gratitude to Lisa Buford, my Eden Energy Medicine Foundations Teacher (2014/2015). She has inspired me to be the best version of myself and begin a journey that is meant to be!”

Emily Guarriello

EEM Certified Practitioner

“Lisa Buford a very well-informed, personable, and wonderful teacher of Eden Energy Medicine. I cannot say enough about her. She was my Foundations teacher and helped me a great deal in learning how to work on others as well as on myself. I am delighted that she was my teacher and mentor. She is knowledgeable in many healing arts modalities, for which she has no misgivings about sharing her talents with her students. I am happy and feel privileged to brag about her being my teacher and friend!”


“Lisa was my teacher for a year of Eden Energy Medicine. She's smart, accepting, and cares deeply about helping people with their challenges. She's known for telling wonderful anecdotes about using energy medicine in practical ways, and those stories really helped the class material stick. As a practitioner, she's calming and knowledgeable. I always felt like I was in good hands when I was on her table.”


“Lisa is an amazing Eden Energy Medicine teacher and practitioner. I have benefited enormously from her lectures and her on-stage demonstration sessions. Observing the care with which she interacts with clients, her expertise, her humor and her wisdom around energy and humanity has been inspiring and incredibly educational. I have also been fortunate to be a client of hers, and that has been a gift—as a practitioner, she has deepened my understanding about my own energy and has facilitated significant positive shifts.”


“A session with Lisa is a wonderful experience. Her vast knowledge and sensitive intuition help her to identify imbalances and correct them. She has a deeply caring soul that leaves you with a feeling of being well taken care of.”


"My first wonderful opportunity to experience Lisa's gifts and knowledge was being in her study group for the first class of Eden Energy Medicine. Lisa was my first TA (Teacher's Assistant) and made everyone in our group feel at ease (especially with her sense of humor) and confident about learning this fabulous technique. I loved her energy so much, I decided to have a session with her after we finished our class. I feel Lisa is very intuitive and gifted. She is awesome at reading and sensing one's energies. She got me rebalanced, energized and feeling totally well and grounded. I would highly recommend having an energy session with Lisa. I promise you, it will be experience that will change your life."

Bonnie Powers

"Lisa is a gifted instructor, imparting knowledge effectively through a variety of methods. She is conscientious about researching and expanding in her areas of expertise."

Victoria Bordelon, LCSW, DCSW

"Lisa impressed me with her caring and professionalism. She was already completely ‘booked’ but still was willing to arrange time for me. Her teaching during our session was precise, informative, and beneficial. She provided succinct and easily understandable explanations of complex energy techniques. She offered examples and tools that I could use at home in my practice. She created a safe, healing space during our work together. I am grateful for her compassion, knowledgeable skill, and teaching; a blessing I will not forget"

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